23 May 2019

Bloodrider Leeroy Jenkins led the Dothraki at the Battle of Winterfell

Why did the Dothraki charge into the night with their "murder candles"[1] and crash into an unknown mass of wights and White Walkers out in the "zombie forest"[2], rather, say, than stick to the plan? Bet you didn't know that the top Bloodrider in the Khalasar is Leeroy Jenkins and he led the charge. Makes sense, now. WARNING: video is extremely geeky World of Warcraft gamer humor.
[1] Trae Crowder, Trae Crowder
[2] Trae Crowder, Trae Crowder
PS: To be absolutely clear, I did not make up Dothraki, murder candles, wights, White Walkers, zombie forests, Bloodriders, Khalasar, Leeroy Jenkins, World of Warcraft, humor, the Internet (thanks, Al!), or gaming.

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