23 March 2005

I wouldn't have Guessed

I found this checking up on The Engineer-Poet. I was feeling a little insecure about just how nerdy I was, and thought for sure that I would come in somewhere middle of the pack:

I am nerdier than 99% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Yeesh! Two things I attribute to this: 1) HS chemistry was drive hot needles in my eyes boring, so I pretty much memorized the periodic table rather than pay attention to some lecture on how much of the Earth's crust is silicon or iron or whatever. 2) John Albright instilled an appreciation of the history of science in Quantum Mechanics.

Oh, yeah Star Trek.

I can't find a good link for John Albright, so here is his picture:
John Albright QM and Dirac Fan
Yes, he's friendly as he looks, or he was back in '88. For a BA in Physics, we had to do what all the BS physics kids did, plus demonstrate proficiency in French, German, or Russian. Dr Albright decided whether you were proficient by conversing with you in the language of your choice. I chose German.

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