24 March 2005

Celine is ...

... not a geek:
I am nerdier than 14% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!


UPDATE: JFA at Wild Sects thought Celine's score was mine, for a moment. Yeah... no.


John in Atlanta said...

I'm a 15. Still not a nerd but one point nerdier than George :-(

John in Atlanta said...

That's what I get for assuming. I thought that was George's score. It was Celine's. After I scrolled down and saw George's 99 I said to myself, "Self, George is a nerd" :-)

g said...

Yeah... I still can't believe it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a nerd but never a dweeb! I thought I would be higher (I just checked out the BBC's Chronicles of Narnia from the library and was pleased that Tom Baker was Puddleglum the Marshwiggle.) I'm 18. Touche'.
p.s. nothing nerdy about Miz Celine...I suppose she would have scored a zero except she's married to a 99.

Anonymous said...

I am smack dab in the middle with a nerd score of 50, and I figure that's not bad for somebody who filled her science requirement with psychology. Guess it's the influence of all the engineers in the family.

g said...

I have no idea how the thing is weighted... scores coming in like 15, 14, 28, 18. I think that it's picking on me. I thought I was going to roll in at "plainly nerdy", and nearly fell out of my chair when I got the results. Skaaayreee.

g said...

Sydney one time with the 50! Scrimping on the science is really putting the kibosh on your inner geek.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So g, which question did you miss? I would be damn proud of a 99 score. It certainly does not mean you're the UltraNerd of the Universe...it means you are UltraErudite Guy of the Universe. I mean, how can we trust a test to measure nerdiness which does not ask the single most fundamental question: Can you speak Klingon?

g said...

I'm not sure you can get a higher score. I think I could have tweaked the test with the friday night thing, bumped up the math class thing to needing to read disserations, subscribed to more magazines, etc. Seriously, I thought I was going to come in the middle of the nerd pack.

No, I don't speak Klingon, and I don't know how to say I don't speak Klingon in Klingon. I think I'd work on Arabic before doing the Klingon thing.


Anonymous said...

PROOF that you are not a nerd.