13 March 2005

No News is No News

AP does what I do most Sunday mornings -- get a near-fatal dose of Russert. Difference is they get paid for it. I just do it to torment Celine. She hates talking heads (not The Talking Heads, the wonky kind). So Russert starts blathering, asking softball questions that a high school journalism student would wince asking, before his "are ya gonna run" finally. As always, she says, in so many words, no. He was so wound up that he missed the first time she said she wouldn't run. The second time placated him, so he preceeded to embarrass her with stuff he found from Condi fanatics on the interet. I which at the end of all of that she said: Fuck, Tim, I thought this was a news show! Anyway, this was compelling enough for AP to write about it.

Where was the "What's the difference between Syrian troops in Lebanon and Israeli troops in Syria? How come you're careful to bring up UNSC resolutions in the first case, but not the latter? What's the differenct between Syrian troops in Lebanon and American troops in Iraq?" There are, of course, differences, but I'd like to hear it from the Secretary of State.

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