29 March 2005

What Goes On

Paul Krugman has done a nifty job of keeping me from digesting my lunch with What's Going On?. What a spooky, ominous way to polish off an NYT op-ed:

America isn't yet a place where liberal politicians, and even conservatives who aren't sufficiently hard-line, fear assassination. But unless moderates take a stand against the growing power of domestic extremists, it can happen here.

1 comment:

John in Atlanta said...

The American Taliban is alive and well and their power is growing. As Randall Terry says "I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good ... our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."
-speech in Jackson, Miss., 4/92