06 April 2005

Good Name for a Software Company

Cargo Cult Programming. From Wikipedia:

The term 'cargo cult' refers to aboriginal religions which grew up in the South Pacific after World War II. The practices of these cults centered on building elaborate mockups of airplanes and military landing strips in the hope of summoning the god-like airplanes that brought such marvelous cargo during the war. Use in computer programming probably derives from Richard Feynman's characterization of certain practices as Cargo cult science.

smiling Richard Feynman
Cut and paste is helpful for copying links. Its contribution to programming is, shall we say, dubious. If you're cutting the pasting fool while programming, consider a new procedure (subroutine, whatever).

1 comment:

g said...

I need a good sarcastic emoticon for the title. The scary thing is it might be an accurate name for some of the shell games that bill themselves as software companies. No sir, Mr. Pinhut, methinks you and I are on the same page, but my sarcasm was poorly executed.