17 February 2005

Better know Gung Fu before tangling with Inflamed Petrol Traders

Eagle eyed Kyoto foe Jeff Harmon spotted Kyoto protest beaten back by inflamed petrol traders in The Times Online. Before you want to be an environmental activist, there are a couple of things you probably want to do. The first is try to get a handle on a few of concepts brought to us by physicists, namely conservation of mass, conservation of energy, and conservation of momentum. You can combine the first two, but we'll leave that for another time. The second is pick up a little gung fu. It's really embarrasing to have your ass handed to you by a liquored-up petroleum trader, especially when it's you that picked the fight.

Idealistic environmentalists who try to do the first usually say fuck it and head out to Burning Man.

Global climate change (and I'm not avoiding global warming to be PC, it's more complicated that than) is a serious and real thing. That doesn't keep Kyoto from being deeply flawed, and even counter productive. Jeff might expound more upon this. My beef is with the differential treatment of developing and developed countries.

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