23 February 2005

My Crystal Ball Says... DOH!

On 1 November 2004, I challenged the daily dosers to make predictions. Dan Chapman and John McCosh answered the call. I've summarized the results in styles that reflect the spirit and form the predictions were made. Kudos for Dan and John for the style and accuracy I didn't deliver.


In a tight popular vote, JFK wins by a fairly wide electoral margin.

Uh, yeah. Tight popular vote was a hit, JFK and electoral margin were misses.

GWB appoints successor to Rehnquist, Scalia becomes Chief Justice.

Jury still out on this one.

Invasion of Fallujah starts at dawn, Iraq time, with some shock and awe this PM.

Started on the 7th. In hindsight, a little too cynical and pissed off to think rationally about this at the time.

70% of the voters in GA approve constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

76.2. I'll take this one.

Dan Chapman

N - Kerry by 3 points
Y - Thune wins SD
Y - Burr wins NC
Y - Martinez wins Fla
Y - Bunnings wins Ky
N - Dem wins Alaska senate seat
Y - Falcons make the playoffs
N - Eagles win super bowl

5/8... not too bad. Whipped my ass.

John McCosh

Everything following this is belongs to John, presented without comment:

Prediction: GWB wins the electoral and popular vote, but Osama bin Laden files suit in behalf of the Kerry campaign over balloting snafus in Wisconsin. Family gatherings during the holidays are once again ruined by political disputes and all TVs are tuned to round the clock cable news from Eau Claire.

Prediction: Despite promises of restrained use of exit polling data, CBS anchor Dan Rather is unable to contain himself and announces at 7:43 p.m. EDT Tuesday that Al Gore appears to be winning the 2000 popular vote. He is unable to recall the name of Gore's running mate.

Prediction: Across the state of Georgia, rioting protesters furious over the defeat of the seemingly innocuous Amendment Two prompt Gov. Sonny Perdue to declare martial law.

Prediction: The leader of the Swift Boat Veterans appears on Good Morning America Wednesday to admit he is just a film student at UC Santa Barbara, the "veterans" in the Swift Boat ads are his student actor pals, and their whole campaign was a lark dreamed up over "I have no idea how many shots of Cuervo."

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