15 February 2005

Face to the World

There was some gruesome stuff this AM, but I wasn't in the gruesome mood. I wanted some good stuff, and, Loki be praised, Michigan came through! Woman Drunk on Listerine Sentenced wins the coveted Face to the World. Why a woman juiced on Listerine would make the AP wire is beyond me, but it did, and now students in Ann Arbor can run naked around the stadium to celebrate their State's accomplishment. I wish I could join them, but my compile has completed. Back to testing...


Anonymous said...

Didja hear about the woman who was charged with murder for giving her husband a sherry enema? It seems he was a blistering alcoholic and had so damaged his system that he could not get drunk in the old fashioned way. So his kind hearted wife pumped two 1.75 liter bottles of sherry up his poop shoot and viola! Death by alcohol poisoning! Ain't love grand? I'll try to find you the link.

g said...

Murder? Sherry? Why not a couple of shots of everclear? What's this world coming to?