23 February 2005

Pair of Flip-Flops: Bush and Brooks

David Brooks. No, he's not a shrill blonde harpy (never to be named). I force myself to read him, Kristol, and others just to see what they're up to, and it's seldom anything good. Finally, Brooks is talking, just a wee bit, like an old-school conservative. Have a gander at what DB had to say about W:

Perhaps the benefits should be limited to those earning up to 200 percent of the level at the poverty line. Perhaps the costs should be capped at $400 billion through other benefit adjustments. These ideas are akin to what the candidate George Bush proposed in 2000.

But the White House is threatening to veto anything they do! President Bush, who hasn't vetoed a single thing during his presidency, now threatens to veto something - and it's something that might actually restrain the growth of government. He threatens to use his first veto against an idea he himself originally proposed!

Have we entered another world, where up is down and rationality is irrational?

David Brooks? Is it really you? An how 'bout that cheap plastic no-good flip-flop, W style?

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