Bigger please!
Check the site! They're of dozens of cool mods. I picked this one because of the tag in the window...
Yep. Via Boing Boing
UPDATE: Check the site root too!
America isn't yet a place where liberal politicians, and even conservatives who aren't sufficiently hard-line, fear assassination. But unless moderates take a stand against the growing power of domestic extremists, it can happen here.
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries
There has grown up in the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years, the government and the courts are charged with the duty of guaranteeing such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances and contrary to public interest. This strange doctrine is not supported by statute or common law. Neither individuals nor corporations have any right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be stopped, or turned back.
don't hesitate to change the topic on the fly
use simple, germanic words
learn to distinguish surprises from digressions
learn to recognize the approach of an ending, and when one appears, grab it
I have strong desire to pursue MS/Ph.D at the < st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Louisiana State University. And, I hope to work with you by your financial supports during my M.S. or Ph.D. courses. Could you give any information or advice for me?
Skipper Inzamam-ul-Haq hit a century in his 100th Test appearance as Pakistan ended the first day of the final Test against India on 323-2.
Pakistan were in early trouble when Laxmipathy Balaji and Irfan Pathan struck to dismiss Shahid Afridi (0) and Yasir Hameed (6) with just seven runs on the board.
But Inzamam and Younis Khan (127) put together a record partnership of 316 for Pakistan against India to put the visitors on top.
Inzamam reached 184 at stumps, a new highest score in Bangalore.
<guess+what="already asked">
<oftha="floating point variety">
<guess+what="already asked">
<oftha="floating point variety">
Frank reigns and rules with the strangest tools.
Nobody does it like Mick Jagger; nobody does it like Prince. But this is just a tree of life. This record is the watering hole. Keith Richards plays his ass off.
He meant it as a piece of religious satire, a playful look at the life of Jesus. But Gerhard Haderer's depiction of Christ as a binge-drinking friend of Jimi Hendrix and naked surfer high on cannabis has caused a furore that could potentially land the cartoonist in jail.
Haderer did not even know that his book, The Life of Jesus, had been published in Greece until he received a summons to appear in court in Athens in January charged with blasphemy.
I thought you weren't a prejudiced person. When the rest of the clan persecuted the semiholes of half ass u, you went to their mecca and worshiped at their temple in Tally Hassee. While the rest of us shunned the crack heads in society, you lived in poverty and communed with them in their own neighborhoods. The definition of liberal is to be so open minded that your brain falls out. (Wait, rewind that...) So you can imagine my dismay when you slaughtered those poor hapless isheep and iwonks and in their own church...
[tar.gz] lives on in a great-great grandbaby of sorts named PLT Scheme.
IF you're a Scheme/Lisp hacker who is based in Boston, AND you are very interested in doing the Paul Graham, et al., Summer Founder program this year, BUT you need to find one or more partners before you can even think about applying, THEN...
A small group of us (3-6 or so people) should try to meet Wednesday or Thursday, in Cambridge, for the following purposes:
- Get a sense of who's interested, their skills, personality, etc.
- Naturally gravitate into interactional subgroups.
- See whether, on average, Scheme or CL hackers are hairier.
If you're interested, please email me ASAP with:
- Name, email address, (optional) home page URL.
- When you are available to meet.
- (optional) Venue suggestions, if you don't want to be stuck at a self-conscious cafe nor in a soulless room at MIT.
I plan to email more info to all the respondees on Wednesday afternoon.
Holyoak said Hogzilla weighed in at half a ton on his farm scales, and that he personally measured the hog's length at 12 feet while the freshly killed beast was dangling by straps from a backhoe.
"As with any organic being after death, tissues will decompose and the body will atrophy, making actual measurements change over time," Holyoak said. "Have you ever seen a raisin after it was a grape?"
Donnelly said the experts allowed for some shrinkage in making their final estimate.
Despite the dispute, this town 180 miles south of Atlanta has already adopted Hogzilla as its own. It went with a Hogzilla theme for its fall festival, with a parade featuring a Hogzilla princess, children in pink pig outfits and a float carrying a Hogzilla replica.
Imagine a world with almost no pronouns or punctuation. A world where any complex thought must be broken into seven- word chunks, with colorful blobs between them. It sounds like the futuristic dystopia of Kurt Vonnegut's short story Harrison Bergeron, in which intelligent citizens receive ear-splitting broadcasts over headsets so that they cannot gain an unfair advantage over their less intelligent peers. But this world is no fiction--it is the present-day reality of a PowerPoint presentation, a reality that is repeated an estimated 30 million times a day.
According to the new science of neuroeconomics, the explanation might lie inside the brains of the negotiators. Not in the prefrontal cortex, where people rationally weigh pros and cons, but deep inside, where powerful emotions arise. Brain scans show that when people feel they're being treated unfairly, a small area called the anterior insula lights up, engendering the same disgust that people get from, say, smelling a skunk. That overwhelms the deliberations of the prefrontal cortex. With primitive brain functions so powerful, it's no wonder that economic transactions often go awry. "In some ways, modern economic life for humans is like a monkey driving a car," says Colin F. Camerer, an economist at California Institute of Technology.
I knew it might put him in an awkward position that we had a
discussion before finality has finally happened in this presidential
2 December 2000
Referring to a phone conversation with Louisiana Democratic Senator,
John Breaux.
David and Nigel are both like, uh, like poets you know like Shelley or Byron, or people like that. The two totally distinct types of visionaries, it's like fire and ice, basically, you see and I feel my role in the band, is to be kind of in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water, in a sense.
lakeland senior high school
, and this is what you get:
all information. Copyright © 2003 Lakeland Senior High School Please do not copy or reproduce images and/or material without permission.
3. He showed a graph of attacks in Sadr City by month. Last Aug-Sep they were getting up to 160 attacks per week. During the last three months, the graph had flatlined at below 5 to zero per week.
4. His big point was not that they were "winning battles" to do this but that cleaning the place up, electricity, sewage, water were the key factors. He said yes they fought but after they started delivering services that the Iraqis in Sadr City had never had, the terrorist recruiting of 15 and 16 year olds came up empty.
13. Said that of all the money appropriated for Iraq, not a cent was earmarked for agriculture. Said that Iraq could feed itself completely and still have food for export but no one thought about it. Said the Cav started working with Texas A&M on ag projects and had special hybrid seeds sent to them through Jordan. TAM analyzed soil samples and worked out how and what to plant. Said he had an E7 from Belton, TX (just down the road from Ft. Hood) who was almost single-handedly rebuilding the ag industry in the Baghdad area.
14. Said he could hire hundreds of Iraqis daily for $7 to $10 a day to work on sewer, electric, water projects, etc. but that the contracting rules from CONUS applied so he had to have $500,000 insurance policies in place in case the workers got hurt. Not kidding. The CONUS peacetime regs slowed everything down, even if they could eventually get waivers for the regs.
It's just too sexually oriented, you know, the way they're shaking their behinds and going on, breaking it down. And then we say to them, "don't get involved in sex unless it's marriage or love, it's dangerous out there" and yet the teachers and directors are helping them go through those kind of gyrations.
If there had been something like this when I was in college and grad school, I would have jumped at it. Start my own company with my friends in Cambridge? Or go by myself to some boring company where everyone was older than me, and show up at 9 AM every morning to work in a cubicle on some random project created to keep me busy? Hmm, difficult choice...
They [Apple] still pushing that crap [mouse with out a button]? A real mouse would have meta key, at a minimum, preferably control and alt keys as well. And that in addition to at least three buttons.
I didn't even know there was a button! Why would I need two?
john white lsu
. jjj pointed out that if I google of "john white" lsu
, the promised land is within reach (It's now I feel lucky!). But that's not all. I was greeted with:
Welcome to Boldtalk.
In the posts that are to come, I hope to elucidate my view of the world. I traveled around the world and studied many different subjects which gives me a unique perspective, not necessarily a better perspective, but, nonetheless, different. There are many truths in the world and I don't pretend to have the only one. I consider myself to have a great tolerance for different views though I must profess that I rarely respect the run of the mill mindless partisan positions. I prefer issues to personalities. I insist on scientific reasoning rather than passionate discourse. I appreciate positions arrived at by your own thought process. I am fairly contempuous of the repetition of talking points.
Boldtalk is a reference to a scene from True Grit.
20. Tribulation Temple
(2 Thes.2:3-4),(Dan.9:27) If the Antichrist will sit in God's temple, it is logical to conclude the temple must be rebuilt. Daniel foretold that he will also stop the daily sacrifice.
While GPO has taken a leading role in developing online access tools and proposing "a new model for no-fee public access", the steps it is taking and the plans it is outlining are, at best, incomplete and, at worst, badly flawed.
We believe the GPO’s proposed model will do more to endanger long-term access to government information than ensure it.
Why manufacture a vehicle that is completely at odds with the values of your customers?
I have been a happy man ever since January 1, 1990, when I no longer had an email address. I'd used email since about 1975, and it seems to me that 15 years of email is plenty for one lifetime.
Email is a wonderful thing for people whose role in life is to be on top of things. But not for me; my role is to be on the bottom of things. What I do takes long hours of studying and uninterruptible concentration. I try to learn certain areas of computer science exhaustively; then I try to digest that knowledge into a form that is accessible to people who don't have time for such study.
Last March, when The New York Times first described her role in a segment about new prescription drug benefits for Medicare patients, reaction was harsh. In Cleveland, The Plain Dealer ran an editorial under the headline "Karen Ryan, You're a Phony," and she was the object of late-night jokes by Jon Stewart and received hate mail.
"I'm like the Marlboro man," she said in a recent interview.
In fact, Ms. Ryan was a bit player who made less than $5,000 for her work on government reports. She was also playing an accepted role in a lucrative art form, the video news release. "I just don't feel I did anything wrong," she said. "I just did what everyone else in the industry was doing."
Under the Bush administration, federal agencies appear to be producing more releases, and on a broader array of topics.
A definitive accounting is nearly impossible. There is no comprehensive archive of local television news reports, as there is in print journalism, so there is no easy way to determine what has been broadcast, and when and where.
Michael Powell: Hello?
POTUS: Moo Moo! George here! Howya hangin' Moo Moo?
MP: Hello, Mr President. I'm hangin' fine, thanks.
POTUS: Bet you are! Bet you are! Now Moo Moo, see here, my posse has been waging an insidious propaganda campaign, and, well, you know that I'm an exemplar all thats right. I need you to trot on over here and get medievil on their asses.
MP: Yes, sir, Mr President. You want me to watch Pulp Fiction before I do it, just to be sure I get it right?
POTUS: Yeah, sure, Moo Moo whatever. Just get on it. I've gotta run to my 11 oclock with the Secretary of State in the White House sauna. Bye.
MP: Bye, Mr President.
Mike Stutz, news director at KGTV, the ABC affiliate in San Diego, was equally opposed to putting government news segments on the air.
"It amounts to propaganda, doesn't it?" he said.
Even so, as a senior department official, Patricia Harrison, told Congress last year, the Bush administration has come to regard such "good news" segments as "powerful strategic tools" for influencing public opinion.
And a review of the department's segments reveals a body of work in sync with the political objectives set forth by the White House communications team after 9/11.
Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.
Another sign of how little the initial idea is worth is the number of startups that change their plan en route. Microsoft's original plan was to make money selling programming languages, of all things. Their current business model didn't occur to them until IBM dropped it in their lap five years later.
What matters is not ideas, but the people who have them. Good people can fix bad ideas, but good ideas can't save bad people.
If you can't understand users, however, you should either learn how or find a co-founder who can. That is the single most important issue for technology startups, and the rock that sinks more of them than anything else.
In technology, the low end always eats the high end.
It's very dangerous to let anyone fly under you. If you have the cheapest, easiest product, you'll own the low end. And if you don't, you're in the crosshairs of whoever does.
Starting a startup is not the great mystery it seems from outside. It's not something you have to know about "business" to do. Build something users love, and spend less than you make. How hard is that?
Drawn! site is a multi-author blog devoted to illustration, art, cartooning and drawing. Its purpose is to inspire creativity by sharing links and resources.
Albert Einstein said, “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources,” but what the hell did he know anyway?
The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) is the regional planning and intergovernmental coordination agency for the 10-county area including Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale counties, as well as the City of Atlanta. For more than 50 years, ARC and its predecessor agencies have helped to focus the region's leadership, attention and resources on key issues of regional consequence.
ARC is dedicated to unifying the region's collective resources to prepare the metropolitan area for a prosperous future. It does so through professional planning initiatives, the provision of objective information and the involvement of the community in collaborative partnerships.
The Atlanta Regional Commission is pleased to announce the launch of this online community. We will use this forum to obtain input on a variety of topics, which will then be used to identify action items for staff and committees to address during the regional planning process.
One other interesting thing: in a puritan society such as ours, if you do humor or horror in any artistic thing, it is automatically considered to be less than if it's 'serious.' If it doesn't scare you and it doesn't make you laugh, it's 'serious.' If the artist gets scary or he gets silly, the critical tendency is to say, 'That's a minor work.' So it was a bitch for Edgar Allen Poe or Mark Twain to get serious recognition. They finally managed to do it, because they did some of the best stuff around, but it was an uphill struggle.
Art should lead to change in the way we see things. If some artist comes up with a vision which gives a new opening, it usually creates a lot of stress, because it's frightening. Like Cubism reveals there's this whole other reality to reality, or Stravinsky comes along, and there's a riot! This is art. It's very disturbing. If you really see a Cézanne, you never see anything the same way afterwards. It's heavy stuff, very powerful. And the artist – literary, graphic, or whatever – does an amazing thing. The creative artist is automatically an outsider, because he sees through the world that everybody else takes as the final reality, and he's a very scary kind of guy.
Over the past two months, observers in Van Nuys Superior Court in Los Angeles have been fed a steady diet of comic-book-style characters, a tattooed mobster turned preacher, two strung-out stunt doubles who say they were solicited by Mr. Blake to double as hit men; accounts of space aliens, experiments with crack-smoking monkeys and salacious details of a love child.
Mr. Schwartzbach reminded jurors that the stuntmen were unreliable. Mr. McLarty said in court that he was a longtime cocaine abuser. He had a mental breakdown, believed that the police were tunneling under his house and thought he was being monitored from outer space.
Earlier in the trial, a professor from the University of California, Los Angeles, testified as an expert witness about the psychotropic effects of cocaine. He said that he had smoked crack cocaine himself and sat in a cage with monkeys to teach them how to smoke cocaine as well.
As I was swinging my boney legs beneath the bench, feeling the warm tightness of my skin in the sun, and enjoying the first bites of the tasty burger - I was startled by a frightening sight. A Spider Monkey came flying (Wizard of Oz style) over the fence and leaped onto the table RIGHT IN FRONT ME. Baring his tiny, sharp teeth, he began screeching and clawing his boney little fingers at me. Let us all pause for a moment to take in how COMPLETELY terrifying and OUT OF THE NORM this experience would be FOR ANYONE - let alone for a little girl living in small town Bakersfield.
Senate skids have been greased for John Negroponte to be confirmed as the first director of national intelligence. Never mind that he deliberately misled Congress about serious human rights abuses in Honduras where he was ambassador from 1981 to 1985.
If nothing is done, he said, the United States will continue to transfer ownership of assets to foreigners to finance American overconsumption. Americans, he said, will eventually "chafe at the idea of perpetually paying tribute to their creditors and owners abroad."
"A country that is now aspiring to an 'Ownership Society' will not find happiness in - and I'll use hyperbole here for emphasis - a 'Sharecropper's Society.' But that's precisely where our trade policies, supported by Republicans and Democrats alike, are taking us.
This thing has gone from a choir robe down to a G-string. What is covered needs to be covered. It just doesn't cover much.
Let's look at what Mr Porter had to eat that night. Appetizer: broiled crab cakes. Entree: An 18-ounce New York strip steak. Dessert was Key lime pie. And there was a $39 bottle of wine on sitting on the table. Now Mr Porter: You're talking out of one side of your mouth and eating out of the other. If you keep doing that, that G-string's not going to fit.
It's typical of Republicans when they are in the wrong on the issue, they attack you personally.
Four years ago, Alan Greenspan urged Congress to cut taxes, asserting that the federal government was in imminent danger of paying off too much debt.
On Wednesday the Fed chairman warned Congress of the opposite fiscal danger: he asserted that there would be large budget deficits for the foreseeable future, leading to an unsustainable rise in federal debt.
Does anyone still take Mr. Greenspan's pose as a nonpartisan font of wisdom seriously?